Kia ora bloggers this term the whole Korimako Hub for Inquiry have been working on something called Kiwi Innovators. In Kiwi Innovators we have three things to do before we create the three thing are UNDERSTAND - Means we know what the story says KNOW - Know we have to find some information that we read. Then we need to research on more about what we are learning. For example at the moment I am working on the electric fence.
And the third and final step is DO - And in do we get to create something that our task says like for the electric fence we have to make a tv ad so I made it on Biteable. We have to do Kiwi Innovators on our own. I really like doing Kiwi Innovators. This Slide is still a work in progress
If you got to invent anything what would it be? Have a great rest of your term and have a good weekend